Category: TV

  • Book Piles and Gumshoes

    I have been reading like a demon of late. In the last couple of weeks I have finished reading three books – Life in a Medieval Village, FlashForward and The Esoterrorists. Admittedly, I had reached the halfway point in one and another amounted to only 88 pages; but, I’m impressed even if no one else…

  • Regions Bleepings

    I hate the way the world works when it comes down to special features on DVDs. I mean, for the love of Bob, why does it have to be so complicated. I mean, I heard the theme tune for Xena: Warrior-Princess the other day and got a hankering for seeing some of the series. I…

  • Was there Life on Mars?

    Ashes to Ashes closed the televised Hunt era – and the Quattro died. Viewers watched as the slow reveal unfurled on what had been happening all along, and the purpose – and perhaps identity – of Jim Keats became clear. I’d a nagging suspicion since Keats first appeared, and the visits to his office –…

  • Heroic Effort… Not!

    I have the feeling that Heroes (Season 4) has become the uncle you have to invite round for Christmas despite the fact you find him creepy, that he always drinks too much and if given the chance will corner you to discuss the finer points of Real Ale. Whatever you’re misgivings you have to invite…

  • Absolute Comparison

    I just saw the advert with the opera signer. Apparently, the character, called Gio Compario, the creation of veteran husband-and-wife advertising team Chris Wilkins and Sian Vickers, is intended to reclaim market-share from I wander whether 20 years can dull the senses enough to make someone in marketing believe they have come up…

  • The Incident

    Seriously… Lost is either an act of pure insanity or utter genius. However, I may not be in the position to make a final decision until this time next year. Almost as expected, watching the finale ended with cries of anguish as the screen went white and the logo appeared. I daresay we ended with…

  • No Bones About It

    I’ve just been watching a new episode of Bones, and realized it isn’t very good. Oh, I like the concept well enough, the characters within the ensemble, the witty banter, and more than one of the actresses. However, I find the stories deeply unsatisfying. If I watch a detective series, I want to stand a…

  • Ben

    Watched ‘Lost’ on Sunday (22nd) and by the end I was shouting at the screen. It wasn’t quite disbelief… It might have been relief at the inevitable happening and just wondering where they’re planning on taking it. I mean, if you came face to face with your nemesis in a situation where you had all…

  • Demonic Intent

    Rupert Galvin… Philip Glenister… Demons… American accent… WHY??? Seriously, Philip has a perfectly decent accent all of his own. I don’t mean DCI Hunt’s gruff tones, I means his own accent. So, why make him speak with a faux American accent, likely to put me off watching the series?