Category: Real Life

  • T is for Trepanning

    I have never quite worked out why my entry on h2g2 about Trepanning received so much attention. For a while, I had the draft version of the article on this website and it easily accounted for the bulk of search engine traffic over any given year. Humanity has always innovated in the strangest way, using…

  • Storms of Creativity

    I generally hate any article that comes with a Top 10 title. Yes, they pull people in. Yes, they sometimes work on me, like a Venus Flytrap lures with the sweet scent of rotting meat. As it happens I immediately saw the sense in half this link-fest of a Lifehacker piece on brainstorming. Finding ideas…

  • Help Desk by Default

    I think the moral of this story might be that if you know a little about something, you may become the everything for those who don’t. The phrase of relevance might be “in the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king.” I was struggling for something to write, but then, this morning, the…

  • Almost A Performer

    Twenty four years ago, I helped write and performed in a Christmas pantomime at school. We performed it in the Sixth Form Common Room to an audience of students and teachers. Embarrassingly, I had taken on some of the writing duties, but utterly blanked. In the end, I ripped off a bit of Python and hoped no one would notice.…

  • Diet, Willpower and Achievement

    This weekend my weight dipped down to 11 stone 13 lbs. Admittedly I weighed myself in the morning, after exercising and before breakfast. I almost definitely weighed more by the end of the morning. However, I have always weighed myself at this sort of point in the week/day, so I do aim for consistency. Having…

  • Our Lady’s Mantle

    Available: Su, Au 60% Preparation: none Cost: 1s. 6d./3s. Uses: 2 Effective: 65% / 30% A perennial plant, with rounded leaves and small green flowers growing in loose clusters. Found in damp places, such as meadows and shady woodland. The clean, fresh, green leaves of the Lady’s Mantle may, if taken as a tea, settle…

  • Market Forceless

    Reading this article – – on the BBC about the success of Google’s Android, tempered by the relative ‘failure’ of the Android Market, rang true with me. When I purchased an iPhone a few years back, I felt spoilt by the Apps available. I wouldn’t consider my spending excessive, but I did buy many…

  • Bone Tired

    I am really, genuinely, bone-numbingly tired today. I mean, I’m so tired every time I hit a key on this ‘board it feels like some has strapped a marshmallow to it. I can trace my skeletal structure through the dull sensation of not having any sensation. I feel like I could probably sleep for at…

  • One of those Days

    I have had a slow Saturday where, despite having the time to do all the things on my To Do list, I have managed, largely, to do a whole load of things I hadn’t intended to do. I haven’t been wasting time, by any measure. However, in the greater schemes of things I have erred…