Category: News

  • George MacDonald Fraser

    I was saddened to read that George MacDonald Fraser had died, aged 82. Charting the adventures of the dastardly Flashman, Fraser created a character both loved and hated, who has invariably influenced a plethora of fictional (and likely real) cads and bounders ever since. Fraser charted Flashman’s career over twelve books, between 1969 to 2005,…

  • Vote of No Confidence

    I was a little concerned yesterday when Eddie Mair asked Steve Clegg, new leader of the Liberal Democrats, to tell him something we didn’t know about him that didn’t involve his politics or his family upbringing. I have to admit I may have misheard the constraints of the question – or perhaps Steve did –…

  • Glow Cat

    I noticed the cover of a paper had a story concerning South Korean scientists creating a trio of cats that glow red under ultraviolet light. Apparently, this breakthrough means a great deal to medical science. Creating clone cats that glow in the dark offers medicine the chance to experiment on curing human diseases. Um… because…

  • Unequal Equalities

    I don’t have all the details, but I think it’s a warped mind indeed that pursues a sperm donor for maintenance payments when the lesbian parents break-up. The CSA may have some fine and dandy guidelines to follow, but if they’re following them to the letter (unlike most of the cabinet, who seem to really…