White Rabbit

What? White Rabbit, you wonder? Did he get another pet?

No – he didn’t get another pet. That’s the provisional title of my Game Chef effort, which almost definitely won’t get completed by the 19/20th September deadline.

While I enjoy reading games, and occasionally playing them too, I never seem to have enough time to dip into the community. Well, I don’t have the time now – I used to appear quite a bit in the PARANOIA community in the past at Paranoia-Live.net. So, when mytholder mentioned Game Chef on Twitter, I knew what he was talking about, but hadn’t realised it had already started.

Mind you, I shouldn’t need an ‘event’ to get myself writing. I know that I should have that down to a proper process to stand any chance of ever getting anything done. I should be aiming to bang out a few thousand words a day, rain or shine, on anything at all frankly. If nothing else at all, I should be adding something to a blog, a day of observations on whatever happens to be going on at the time. I daresay I could manage something reasonably topical everyday, but I don’t…

Anyway – enough self pity. Game Chef this year involves creating a game – ideally self-contained – on the overall subject of ‘Journey’ with three of the four following words somewhere in the mix: ‘skin’, ‘edge’, ‘desert’ and ‘city’. Follow the link and you can find out more about the rules and the challenge. I ponder for a moment and started writing straightaway. I only managed a three hundred words or so, but I did manage a structure as well for the rest of the writing. Now I need to get that writing done.

I didn’t make a great start yesterday evening because frankly I felt tired. By 8PM, I sensed the impending arrival of unconsciousness. I reckon I managed to hurdle The Wall by about 9PM, but this morning I feel fuzzy in the brain. Perhaps, I can use all that writing stuff on my iPhone to get some writing done during lunch; or categorically set aside time, like this, to get more done. My satisfaction to get something like this done would be a real prize to me, when everything else seems somehow grey.

So, White Rabbit – I shall see how we progress and keep you informed if anything seems likely to complete by the end date.





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