Tag: to do list

  • Quick Weekend Achievements

    I often beat myself up about what I get done at the weekend. I reach the close, the darkness of Sunday night, and wonder where all the time went. In that moment, I often also wondered what I managed to do with it all – and yet come out the other end with nothing much…

  • Beggars – Day Eight

    I gritted my teeth for much of the weekend, as despite the best of plans I failed to write a single letter for my game supplement. Of course, I didn’t waste the time either. I did a lot of family-related stuff, like helping with the Christmas Tree (hefting the box from the attic and unpacking/hanging…

  • Do To-Do

    Yes, I’m finding it easier to get things done with a to-do list. Mind you, having tried to use two or three on the iPhone, I’ve realised it needs to be desktop or paper-based. Unless I can find a good one that effectively stretches across iPhone and desktop in a seamless, sync’d-in fashion. Having a…

  • The Square Root of Lost Time

    I appreciate the concept of time management; but, I have difficulty keeping to any plans I make for myself. When I sat down at my desk this last Monday, I wrote out a ‘To Do’ list with about twenty different activities on it. I think I managed to do about half a dozen by the…