Tag: Star Trek

  • Game I Wish I Owned – RPGaDay 2023

    Game I Wish I Owned – RPGaDay 2023

    Today’s question is: Game I Wished I Owned Oddly enough, the stuff I really wish I owned doesn’t even exist. For example, there are a bunch of 80s FASA supplements and games I would love to own. The Sontarans supplement, referenced in the 1986 Catalog for Doctor Who, for example, would, I’m certain, have been…

  • Favourite Never-Get-To-Play RPG – RPGaDay 2023

    Favourite Never-Get-To-Play RPG – RPGaDay 2023

    The original question was: Favourite game you NEVER get to play I think Star Trek, probably. FASA Star Trek. That said, I did manage to get a game in at a Sheffield convention — North Star —  in the middle of last year. The FASA games were a part of my first journeys into roleplaying, and…

  • My First Introduction – RPGaDay 2022

    My First Introduction – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: Where were you first introduced to RPGs? At school, at the age of 12. I had taken the wise decision, after the first year of comprehensive, to join the brass band. It meant a certain commitment, but the key was access to the music room at break times. No longer did I…

  • Gameable Discovery

    I know for a fact that my voice will be one of many – too many for me to comfortably even guess a number – giving judgment upon the pilot for Star Trek: Discovery. Whether long term fans, occasional viewers or total newcomers, CBS and Netflix have done a thing, letting loose a new Trek…

  • Stories About Your Character

    RPGaDay Day #5 asks: What story does your group tell about your character? I have eternally made Dwarves Italian after a couple of entertaining games run in my ongoing Dragon Age campaign, does that count? I honestly can’t say that this applies to me because I don’t recall anyone ever talking to me about my…

  • K is for Khan

    One of my favourites and in turn one of my favourite movie moments of all time has to be Khan, as played by Ricardo Montalbán. While Montalbán undoubtedly had greater fame for other roles (like Mr Roarke from the long-running series Fantasy Island), he played the part of Khan Noonien Singh in the 1967 Star…