• How Would I Change My Introduction to Roleplaying – RPGaDay 2022

    How Would I Change My Introduction to Roleplaying – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: How Would I Change My Introduction to Roleplaying? I wouldn’t change a thing. We chose classes and created characters, then played the introductory adventure included in the boxed red booklets, launching an assault upon the ruined castle in search of the renegade magic-user Bargle and fighting a Carrion Crawler. If I could…

  • Why I Started Roleplaying – RPGaDay 2022

    Why I Started Roleplaying – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: Why did you start RPGing? It’s been covered in the last few posts, but initially, I was just getting out of the rain and looking to spend that time inside doing something other than practising the trombone! I’ve always enjoyed reading fantasy and science fiction, making up stories and characters, and even…

  • If I Could Live in a Game Setting – RPGaDay 2022

    If I Could Live in a Game Setting – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: If I could live in a game setting, where would it be? When I first picked up Cyberpunk 2013, back at the start of the 90s, there was something about Night City that appealed. On a very real level, I’m not keen on body modification. I mean, I don’t have tattoos or…

  • When Did I Start GMing – RPGaDay 2022

    When Did I Start GMing – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: When did I start Gamemastering? 1985. The Middle Earth Role Playing game was released as a boxed set by Games Workshop with a stunning cover by Chris Achilleos. It was a repackaged set of the US original with a core rule book, maps, cut-out-and-fold minifigs, a book of tables and mini-maps for…

  • My Second RPG Purchase – RPGaDay 2022

    My Second RPG Purchase – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: What is the second RPG that I bought? That’s a tough one. When I started gaming, I didn’t have any money to spend on games. The games I played were the ones that someone else bought for me. My parents got me the Middle Earth Role Playing game (MERP) for my birthday,…

  • Who Introduced Me – RPGaDay 2022

    Who Introduced Me – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: Who introduced me to RPGs? A percussionist by the name of Graham, along with double bass player Jon, and cornet player Roy – all members of the Beanfield Comprehensive School brass band. In the picture, Graham is standing up on the right, directly beneath the glockenspiel (in the backdrop). I’m directly beneath…

  • System Sunday: Something Cool – RPGaDay 2022

    System Sunday: Something Cool – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: Describe a cool part of a system that you love. Self-promotion alert! It’s one of my own games… In The Dee Sanction, the players take on the role of agents working for Queen Elizabeth in defence of the realm against supernatural forces as Agents of her advisor and alchemist, John Dee. One…

  • Recruiting to Roleplaying – RPGaDay 2022

    Recruiting to Roleplaying – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: How would I get more people playing RPGs? Tough question. I think the best thing existing gamers can do is to make their games accessible. We can get more people playing as long as we don’t make roleplaying seem like a degree-level course or a magic ritual. Yes, many roleplaying games can…

  • What’s to Like? – RPGaDay 2022

    What’s to Like? – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: Why will they like this game? What game? Weird question… If it’s the introductory game — which in my case was Advanced Fighting Fantasy — then I think they’ll appreciate a simple game that’s easy to grasp and lets you throw a lot of dice with purpose. Throw to swing. Throw to soak…