Tag: role playing games

  • 2009

    The house is quiet, except for the scuffling of various small animals in the dining room and the vague nattering of the boys in their bedroom. New Year was 40 minutes ago, and I’ve done most of the washing up. We spent the evening with friends nibbling on a buffet of snacks, and played a…

  • The Sward and the Stone

    In 1446, Wales perched on the precipice, faced with the prospect of a new rebellion by restless natives. Complacent English nobles, entrusted with expansive domains, stretch themselves all too thin, leaving stewards to run much of their lands and properties. In many instances, these stewards come from the local population, swayed by misplaced loyalties and…

  • The Impact of Gaming

    E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson made a difference to my childhood and adult life alike. Without the popularity of Dungeons and Dragons in the 70s and the surge of games that spawned around the role playing phenomena in the ensuing decades, I would never have led the double life I have. Yes, I would…