Tag: funniest

  • Funniest Game Played – RPGaDay 2023

    Funniest Game Played – RPGaDay 2023

    Today’s question is: Funniest Game I’ve Played I suspect that many answers will have the caveat, “You had to be there.“ Funniest game – well, that experience usually comes out of not planning on something being funny. Funny is in the moment. And occasionally, funny gets as your jaw starts hurting, and you cry for…

  • Weirdest Game Played – RPGaDay 2023

    Weirdest Game Played – RPGaDay 2023

    Today’s question is: Weirdest Game You’ve Played I genuinely don’t remember the mission. I know I GM’d the session, so I’m responsible for the situation as it unfolded. PARANOIA. I definitely chose to ramp up the slapstick mode in this mission, and that seems the sole focus of my memory. It would have been 1991…