Tag: Call of Cthulhu

  • My First Introduction – RPGaDay 2022

    My First Introduction – RPGaDay 2022

    The question is: Where were you first introduced to RPGs? At school, at the age of 12. I had taken the wise decision, after the first year of comprehensive, to join the brass band. It meant a certain commitment, but the key was access to the music room at break times. No longer did I…

  • Free RPG Day 2018

    Free RPG Day 2018

      Behold the misbegotten and combined Free RPG Day acquisitions of the Baldowski Scavengers and associated benefits of being a Free RPG Day GM. Having started the day with a glorious pork belly and maple syrup pancakes crowned with a fried egg. (Seriously, glorious isn’t quite up to the task of describing the experience… When…

  • Stories About Your Character

    RPGaDay Day #5 asks: What story does your group tell about your character? I have eternally made Dwarves Italian after a couple of entertaining games run in my ongoing Dragon Age campaign, does that count? I honestly can’t say that this applies to me because I don’t recall anyone ever talking to me about my…

  • Call of the Murderhobos

    I have been thumbing through The Black Hack with the aim of running the game at some upcoming events. Rather than taking the easy option and having a go at the standard approach, I thought I’d hack the Hack and see whether I could get something with a Cthulhu / Chill vibe going. I imagine…