boreders: a blog about games and geekery

  • Erase | Rewind

    As happens on an irregular basis, I have gone for a complete reformatting of the boreders themes. I always like to try something a little different, ideally something at a tangent to whatever went before. So, I have cast aside the garish orange of the last theme and gone for a something subdued and minimalist.…

  • Headache

    Despite years of training and a wealth of on the job experience, there is only so much a doctor can tell you if you turn up with a sore head. The brain doesn’t feel pain – all nerve receptors and no endings, or something like that – so a sore head means something else is…

  • Under the Doctor

    Just watched Sylvester McCoy making a brief guest appearance on ‘Al Murray’s Multiply Personality Disorder’. Not the highlight of his comedy career exactly, playing doctor (ha!) to Murray’s gay Nazi. Still, nice to see him on telly again.

  • Ben

    Watched ‘Lost’ on Sunday (22nd) and by the end I was shouting at the screen. It wasn’t quite disbelief… It might have been relief at the inevitable happening and just wondering where they’re planning on taking it. I mean, if you came face to face with your nemesis in a situation where you had all…

  • In The End

    Well, having watched the final episode of Battlestar Galactica it leaves me wondering how Who might conclude. Will we discover that the Time Lords have been hiding in the cupboard all along… The one in the TARDIS kitchen near the leaky pipe. Oh, and the Ultimate Question is ‘What is the final Doctors European shoe…

  • Not Mobile Mobile

    I can’t believe the number of people I saw on the way home today using mobiles while driving. Or, in one instance, an idiot trying to get into his car, parked on the kerb of a main road, trying to open the door and get into the driver’s seat while clutching a phone to his…

  • New Gallifrey

    Coventry outlines credentials to become the new Gallifrey. Central shopping centre to be demolished and replaced with the new Panoptican. Local branch of PC World claims to have started work on reconstructing The Matrix by daisy chaining three Acer netbooks, a blender, and a 44″ plasma TV. Dave Ross, of nearby Kenilworth, quoted as being…

  • Child Onboard

    You have to wonder, has the driver of this vehicle genuinely got a car seat installed in this car for a kid? And, if so, filled with envy of the vehicle as I am, could the kid suffer from a little car sickness just to give the Lamborghini a little added ambiance?

  • A Load of Elbow

    I have seen the advert for Elbow’s award winning album ‘Seldom Seen Boy’ a good dozen times now, and the news that they’d claimed Mercury and Brit Awards seemed promising. So, having acquired the album over the weekend, I was devastated that I hated it. Only the two ‘crowd pleaser’ tracks, featured in the advert,…


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