boreders: a blog about games and geekery

  • New Companion?

    Despite news of the new companion, is there room for an alternative? I wonder?

  • Reality Malfunction

    Attended UK Games Expo on Saturday and Team TARDIS were in attendance. Basically, the team consist of look-a-likes who dress up appropriately and cause mild amounts of mayhem around an event. This seemed to involve running around, enigmatic stares and photo opportunities with Daleks. Another group came along dressed as stormtroopers (might have been these…

  • Exchange Rate

    I think it’s great that people don’t change. Time passes, and yet people basically do the same stuff again and again. Sometimes, perceived wisdom fails to communicate across the expanses of one generation to the next. My youngest son just came back from a French exchange trip. He took about 75€ with him and returned…

  • Flaming Hell

    The new companion to tag along with Matt Smith has been announced, flamed haired Scot Karen Gillan – who, rather like Martha, previously had a bit part in the series as the Soothsayer in the episode ‘The Fires of Pompeii’. Having read in the new issue of SFX this morning that most fans likely couldn’t…

  • The Incident

    Seriously… Lost is either an act of pure insanity or utter genius. However, I may not be in the position to make a final decision until this time next year. Almost as expected, watching the finale ended with cries of anguish as the screen went white and the logo appeared. I daresay we ended with…

  • The Chair in Boo Garden

    I’m sitting in the garden right now writing this blog entry, having already twittered, Boo’d and updated my Facebook status. Despite approaching social networking with uncertainty from the outset, I now embrace Facebook, Twitter and similar outpourings like old friends. In many respects they are just that. I chat with more old school friends and…

  • No Bones About It

    I’ve just been watching a new episode of Bones, and realized it isn’t very good. Oh, I like the concept well enough, the characters within the ensemble, the witty banter, and more than one of the actresses. However, I find the stories deeply unsatisfying. If I watch a detective series, I want to stand a…

  • Doctor Who Role Playing Game

    When the Cubicle 7 web site goes from mentioning Dr Who to not mentioning at all – not on the front page nor the Our Games – one must assume some ‘complications’ have arisen. As the site is down for ‘Spring cleaning’ it’s tough to get a real grip on what be happening – but…

  • Craft Day

    I’m trying to do something restful, something that will take my mind off the headache. So, seeing as I want to try some D&D soon, I thought I’d paint some miniatures. Out come the paints, the geeky paint station, the brushes and files, and epoxy glue. It takes time and I’m little more than an…


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