Category: Uncategorized

  • Deep and Dreamless Sleep

    Isn’t it great when by pure chance you come across something you didn’t expect. I hadn’t seen the reference to this short story on the Doctor Who site… I just happened to get the Sunday Times because, well… it had a picture of the Doctor on the front. Paul Cornell (who I met in the…

  • Random Shoes: First Glance

    Like Love & Monsters (from second series Doctor Who), this episode followed a normal person – by and large – getting involved in things out of the ordinary. I felt it worked for all sorts of reasons and the larger-than-life characters make it all the more accessible. It was a blessed relief to watch an…

  • Puzzle Me This

    Ha! Just finished the puzzle from the 7th day of the Doctor Who advent calendar… What do you mean what’s taken me so long? Impressed?

  • Almost Runaway

    I sit here, the night before Christmas, and I realise I have a little bit of catching up to do. I’ll add the missing Torchwood episodes when I do my “Runaway Bride” entry tomorrow afternoon. Here’s to an excellent Christmas and a Who-y New Year!

  • They Keep Killing Suzie: First Glance

    Careful now… that’s three excellent episodes almost running concurrently… four if you allow for certain weaknesses in the close of Countrycide. This was great to watch and actually proved even better on a second run through, because somehow I missed some of the details in the first viewing. Like the other good episodes in the…

  • Greeks Bearing Gifts: First Glance

    Another good episode in the run, seeing Tosh come out of her shell a little bit more. While I have no qualms about different aspects of sexuality, I’m getting a little worried that Torchwood makes it seem like 75% of the population of Wales (or specifically Cardiff) are either bi- or homosexual. Here Mary and…

  • Countrycide: First Glance

    Damn that lead writer, Chris Chibnall… We’ve suffered his sex-crazed alien and his deranged Cyberwoman… do we really need to go through anymore? Maybe I’m tarring Chris for something the director insist on doing wrong. Maybe Chris weaves delicate and exciting stories of extra terrestrials, cyber-violation and the supernatural – and then the directors make…

  • Null and Void

    Watched Small Worlds again yesterday and noticed a new connection between Torchwood and Doctor Who continuity. At the beginning of the episode, we get a shot of Jack standing in the foreground of his office, with his desk sitting behind him. He’s talking to Ianto, I think. Anyway, on Jack’s right (the viewing left) sits…

  • Death Imminent… Oh, sorry… Never mind!

    It struck me that Gwen and Peri experienced similarly dubious life-threatening assaults, in Cyberwoman and Vengeance on Varos, respectively. In the latter, while the Varosians struggle to deal with the Doctor, they send Peri and a rebel off to undergo weird DNA regression therapy that brings out the inner animal in those treated. Peri promptly…