Category: Role Playing

  • Xtreme Zombie Sports Bikini Special

    I have serious doubts about this sort of product‘s appeal. Yes, I realise there’s a humorous slant here; but, this woman looks like she’s been dug up or defrosted. Like ‘Macho Women with Guns‘, ‘Hot Chicks‘ approaches action gaming with tongue planted firmly in cheek – so firmly, one would suspect, that to the wrong…

  • Backswords & Bucklers

    I spent some time with people on stalls chatting, either seeking answers to specific questions – like when the next supplement for Doctor Who might be expected from the folks at the Cubicle 7 stand – or more general chat. I had one such brief chat with Chris Cale at the Tied to a Kite…

  • Craft Day

    I’m trying to do something restful, something that will take my mind off the headache. So, seeing as I want to try some D&D soon, I thought I’d paint some miniatures. Out come the paints, the geeky paint station, the brushes and files, and epoxy glue. It takes time and I’m little more than an…

  • The Sward and the Stone

    In 1446, Wales perched on the precipice, faced with the prospect of a new rebellion by restless natives. Complacent English nobles, entrusted with expansive domains, stretch themselves all too thin, leaving stewards to run much of their lands and properties. In many instances, these stewards come from the local population, swayed by misplaced loyalties and…

  • The Impact of Gaming

    E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson made a difference to my childhood and adult life alike. Without the popularity of Dungeons and Dragons in the 70s and the surge of games that spawned around the role playing phenomena in the ensuing decades, I would never have led the double life I have. Yes, I would…

  • Some Kind of Heresy

    In an action that seems to beggar belief, Games Workshop has decided to stop game related publications by the Black Library – meaning an end to Talisman and Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Dark Heresy, amongst others. In an announcement dated 28th January, the fate of these lines was sealed – with a decision to concentrate solely…