Category: Maelstrom

  • Beggars – Day Fifteen

    If I consider my working velocity as 1,400 words a day, it might work. In 10 days time, I’ll have 17,800 words done – and I’m thinking that’ll hit the mark as a ‘shitty’ first draft. I had high hopes two weeks ago. Two weeks later, my velocity has slipped from a less than ideal…

  • Beggars – Day Eight

    I gritted my teeth for much of the weekend, as despite the best of plans I failed to write a single letter for my game supplement. Of course, I didn’t waste the time either. I did a lot of family-related stuff, like helping with the Christmas Tree (hefting the box from the attic and unpacking/hanging…

  • Beggars – Day One

    I aimed to write a lot about beggars this weekend for Maelstrom. I managed a little, but not a lot. I started with slightly over a thousands words already written – and got up early on Saturday to get house stuff and chores out of the way. I did the same on Sunday, squeezing in…

  • Conventionally Done

    I attended the Kensington-based Dragonmeet convention at the weekend. I’m verging on being a regular, having attended for the last four years, but never been before as the guest of anyone. On this occasion, I attended as a guest of Arion Games owner Graham Bottley. Mind, I would not get to sit around and freeload……

  • Book Piles and Gumshoes

    I have been reading like a demon of late. In the last couple of weeks I have finished reading three books – Life in a Medieval Village, FlashForward and The Esoterrorists. Admittedly, I had reached the halfway point in one and another amounted to only 88 pages; but, I’m impressed even if no one else…

  • Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

    An adventure ‘snippet’ for Maelstrom RPG. Synopsis: Beggars find something of value, but need to get back to civilisation to make anything from it. Adventure Outline: The characters go scavenging in the fields around the city, wandering the paths and lanes in search of anything valuable. In tough times, you have to be prepared to…