Category: Gripes

  • Which Watchman?

    OK… fanboy excitement keeps me roaming around for tidbits about the Watchmen movie, so when I spotted a few new promo pics on the front of, I had to go check. So, there I find several fine images of the characters… and a bewildered picture masquerading as Dave Gibbons. This page features an image…

  • Some Kind of Heresy

    In an action that seems to beggar belief, Games Workshop has decided to stop game related publications by the Black Library – meaning an end to Talisman and Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Dark Heresy, amongst others. In an announcement dated 28th January, the fate of these lines was sealed – with a decision to concentrate solely…

  • Cold Escalation

    I have an cold coming. A slow, insidious bug of some kind intent on taking its time. Having spent too long in a freezing cold meeting room on Thursday, I had a sore throat by Friday… and now, it’s got worse. The minor sore throat now feels like I have pebble-dashed the inside of my…

  • Recipe for a Letdown

    Why is it that one days when I decide not to bring a packed lunch to work the prepared dinners prove to look as unappetizing as possible? Or fail to be what you recalled seeing on the menu earlier in the week. I mean, I didn’t bring a lunch in today and recalled seeing roast…

  • Vista Lacks Simplicity

    I suffered my first significant exposure to Windows Vista a couple of weeks ago, and I’m still bemused by the experience. I was roped in to help someone make an old piece of software work and it seemed like a simple enough task. I used the Internet to identify the problem and identified I needed…