Category: General

  • PS3 Slim Exchange Rate

    It pains me when reading about the $300 PS3 Slim that purchasing the very same PS3 Slim Console from will cost me the considerable sum of £249.99. Correct me if I’m wide of the mark, but isn’t the exchange rate about $1.65 to the pound sterling? I know that we’ve always suffered from the…

  • Holiday in Brief

    Oxford was great – we’ll definitely go back. On the day after arrival we had a good wonder round. I was disappointed I couldn’t get into the Bodleian Library, but otherwise an enjoyable day wandering. Drank coffee on the site of the oldest coffee house, meandered through a few colleges, and visited Gropec*nt Lane (whoops,…

  • Tweet Tweet

    I have been struggling to find a Twitter client I really like for the Mac. For the iPhone, Tweetie seems like a decent choice, but it isn’t free. I rather had my heart set on finding something free I could use on the laptop. So far, I’ve tried Beak – which looks good, Twhirl –…

  • iPhone Chaos

    I have been looking for an easy way to sort the apps on an iPhone; but, there isn’t one. I tried sorting them into categories, but adding new apps every few days meant the sorted pages rapidly got messed up. I could hack into the phone and create some sort of bastard control system. Or,…

  • Erase | Rewind

    As happens on an irregular basis, I have gone for a complete reformatting of the boreders themes. I always like to try something a little different, ideally something at a tangent to whatever went before. So, I have cast aside the garish orange of the last theme and gone for a something subdued and minimalist.…

  • Child Onboard

    You have to wonder, has the driver of this vehicle genuinely got a car seat installed in this car for a kid? And, if so, filled with envy of the vehicle as I am, could the kid suffer from a little car sickness just to give the Lamborghini a little added ambiance?

  • Demonic Intent: Round 2

    Following ‘Demons’ episode 2, it occurs to me that while the series has the money to spend on CGI and fine location, they seem to lack any decent fight choreography. When I could wrestle free of my own personal demons (manifest in Philip Glenister‘s accent), it seemed that both set pieces in Episodes 1 and…

  • 2009

    The house is quiet, except for the scuffling of various small animals in the dining room and the vague nattering of the boys in their bedroom. New Year was 40 minutes ago, and I’ve done most of the washing up. We spent the evening with friends nibbling on a buffet of snacks, and played a…

  • Don’t Blink

    Christmas morning… a time for presents, heaps of waste paper, and embarrassing pictures of people gurning with their presents clutched in hand. Why, however, do people expect you to smile and present yourself eyes-wide-open when they’re shooting with an ultra bright flash. You can’t reasonably expect people to overcome their natural instinct to shield their…