Category: Freaky

  • Xtreme Zombie Sports Bikini Special

    I have serious doubts about this sort of product‘s appeal. Yes, I realise there’s a humorous slant here; but, this woman looks like she’s been dug up or defrosted. Like ‘Macho Women with Guns‘, ‘Hot Chicks‘ approaches action gaming with tongue planted firmly in cheek – so firmly, one would suspect, that to the wrong…

  • Doubt

    I have a doubt. I have a doubt that inhabits a dream. I have every reason to believe that this doubt haunts my dreams out of some kind of guilt. To build a tad of context for this doubt, I got a 2.2 degree in History and Political Studies at university. I have no regrets…

  • Tapas and Tribulations

    Sometimes you have to wonder how the heck life gets quite as strange as it does. On Saturday, we had a tapas party with friends. Everyone brings round something appropriately nibbly (and some beer), and by early evening we have a table growning with goodies. Simple. Very little organisation or cooking involved, but enough to…

  • Creepy

    Having gone through the newest batch of trailers and seen the likes of ‘Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer‘, I have to say even the campest bloodfest of a horror has nothing on this disturbing guide to turning your kids into a Halloween pirate over at YouTube: Relevant reading: [amtap book:isbn=1582974896]