Category: Appreciation

  • A New Leaf Turned

    I impressed myself this year. I read 28 books. Yes, some were a little short, but some were quite long. I also abortively started some, like Will Self’s short stories, and only got halfway… that more than a 100 pages uncatalogued against my target. Time spent, time lost. With two days of 2011 to go…

  • Nostalgic Nonsense

    Reading a White Dwarf magazine from 27 years ago, I stumbled across this letter – the PS and editor response amusing in hindsight for those who mourn the loss of the Dwarf of old… Tangentially, Marcus Rowland continues to be a diehard inspiration in roleplaying innovation and writing. I spend fruitless times on eBay trying…

  • Hurrah for IT

    Short one today – basically, thanks IT. Yes, I know, they can be a pain sometimes. However, my first day at work yesterday found a friendly and effective IT team setting me up with a user account and email account in under an hour – and, in my books, that’s quite good. I would have…