Tag: roleplaying games

  • Dream Teams and Inspiration

    These RPGaDay questions are still weird. Short (-ish) answers inevitable. Day #13: What makes a successful campaign? I have no idea. I have never had the opportunity to run one. Day #14: Your dream team of people you used to game with? My dream team resides in my current gaming group, the best bunch of people I…

  • What Comes Next?

    I’m skipping a couple of entries in RPGaDAY because I just don’t have an answer. Both Day #10: Largest in-game surprise you have experienced? and Day #11: Which gamer most affected the way you play? – well, they’re drawing a blank. I have not, to my recollection, ever had any in-game surprise launched on me,…

  • Ideal Role Playing Session Needs…

    RPGaDay Day #9 asks: Beyond the game, what’s involved in an ideal session? And I’d respond preparation. The level of prep varies wildly, but it matters at all levels and on both sides. Both the GM and the players owe it to one another to come prepared to the table to deliver their best game.…

  • Hardcover, Softcover, Digital

    RPGaDay Day #8 asks: Hardcover, softcover, digital? What is your preference? If you look for the most significant impact on my gaming habits this year, you need to look no further than Symbaroum. A beautiful hardcover book filled with glorious illustrations with a dark and brooding cover image. The internal presentation of this book simply…

  • Book Pile: August 2016

    This past weekend provided some solid gains in the roleplaying department – and explain why I never post much in the thread about resisting purchases. I got a dinged copy of 13th Age from Games Lore because I have heard so many positive things and had two good games. I couldn’t not buy it for…

  • Call of the Murderhobos

    I have been thumbing through The Black Hack with the aim of running the game at some upcoming events. Rather than taking the easy option and having a go at the standard approach, I thought I’d hack the Hack and see whether I could get something with a Cthulhu / Chill vibe going. I imagine…

  • R is for Running Games

    No matter how much I try to enjoy being a player in tabletop role-playing games, I can’t find that groove to really enjoy it. I don’t hate it, but I don’t get the same sense of satisfaction as when I run the game. I have had long suspicions that the issue comes down to the…

  • Reading Shadow of the Demon Lord: Part 1

    OK. So I picked Shadow of the Demon Lord up at Conception last weekend. Actually, I won it in the raffle at the end, which I appreciated a lot. I had my eye on the game for a while and picked up a bit of the electronic stuff, but the book I had on a sort…

  • Descriptors in Numenera

    I have Numenera Descriptors on my mind at the moment. Time for a boring Numenera post, largely intended for personal reference – if that’s OK with the two other people who read this blog. The basic Numenera character has a sort of concept defined in a single sentence made from a few selective components. I…