Category: Gaming

  • Real Dice, Dice App, or Diceless

    RPGaDay Day #1 asks: Real Dice, Dice App, Diceless – how do you prefer to “roll”? Well, as one-half of a business that creates hand-crafted game rolls / dice bags, it seems like I would have to opt for dice right? Yes, to a certain extent, though I’m open to other possibilities. I have, for…

  • John Carter: First Blood

    The John Carter alpha playtest rule-set might best be described as loosey-goosey at the moment. Some might have felt too much so, as I had one player with existing experience of the 2d20 system and JC currently leans in the direction of super-extra-lite. From my perspective, I can see that more structure needs to be…

  • Call of the Murderhobos

    I have been thumbing through The Black Hack with the aim of running the game at some upcoming events. Rather than taking the easy option and having a go at the standard approach, I thought I’d hack the Hack and see whether I could get something with a Cthulhu / Chill vibe going. I imagine…

  • U is for Unorganised

    While under most circumstances a lack of organisation can lead to stress and last minute disappointment, sometimes those negatives serve as a balance to a big positive. My local gaming group – STockport Unorganised Role Players – has the whole unorganised thing down part. STURP started out as the idea of a local bar person at…

  • R is for Running Games

    No matter how much I try to enjoy being a player in tabletop role-playing games, I can’t find that groove to really enjoy it. I don’t hate it, but I don’t get the same sense of satisfaction as when I run the game. I have had long suspicions that the issue comes down to the…

  • G is for Games

    It would be remiss of me not to mention Games for today’s letter. Games have become my life. I have no recollection of when I played my first game, but I still have the Snakes and Ladders board my sister and I played on as kids at my Gran’s house. The board has an orange…

  • C is for Cthulhu

    While HP Lovecraft created Cthulhu as one character of many, he has become a real focus. It seems that you can’t go to any geek event without finding something emblazoned with the green watery horror. Every game seems to have a Cthulhu variation. Every t-shirt, soft toy, and bobble-headed plastic figure range has, at least,…

  • Cypher A|State

    I have been reading A|State, a roleplaying game and setting from the early noughties. Published by Contested Ground Studios, who also published the excellent Cold City / Hot War games – the latter which I see played quite regularly at local conventions. I first read A|State a long while ago – ten years? – and…

  • Webs within Wheels

    Preparation makes a lot of difference when you’re setting out to run any game. Greater minds than I have spent a lot of time writing on the subject. Gamers can find much advice on the matter scattered amongst guides, short essays and those parts of a game’s core book dealing with GM skills. I mentioned…